Busy Summer

It has been lovely to have a busy active summer.
So busy I completely forgot to update this Blog!
I have spent a lot of time making new moulds, sea swimming and gardening.
As well as pickling beetroot, making jam, cycling and playing a few tunes. 
The succulents have been growing very fast in this great weather.
Now I need to get back to slip casting using the new moulds.
Preparing for Xmas sales (after I have been cycling).

Mould Making Time

Making moulds for slip casting, learning about plaster, getting messy. 
A productive (if not glass) start to this year. 
It has been messy, mesmerising and has kept me very occupied.
Which is essential during those dark months!
Waiting for Spring.

New Photos of Glass

Inspired by the Collected Debris of Life and the randomness of its arrival in yours.             Pockets full of Debris collected on a walk prompts a series of drawings, collages, patterns and, ultimately, 3D work.


Living in an area of no public transport, in an era of restricted travel, the only choice for this Collage was abstract. 

The start-point being the slo-mo image of car lights in a city… a suggestion of the luxury that once was travel. 

Then, continuing with the lines theme… to create a feeling of movement and stationary tranquility.

Relaxing Chair

An​ ​alternative​ ​landscape​ ​in​ ​which​ ​inhabitants​ ​only​ ​concerns​ ​are​ ​fun. Image​ ​and​ ​trend​ ​are​ ​irrelevant​ ​in​ ​this​ ​unique​ ​world.​ ​

Continuing​ ​on​ ​a theme​ ​of​ ​anti-capitalism​ ​and​ ​anti​ ​lots​ ​of​ ​other​ ​stuff,​ ​particularly​ ​war, waste,​ ​greed​ ​and​ ​soap​ ​operas.